Ayush Kumar Suman
"Aspiring Engineer: Bridging Innovation and Technology in Computer Science, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering ,ECE, and EEE."
Ayush has been living in India since his birth. He completed high school in 2024 and is currently planning his bachelor's degree to pursue his passion for engineering. He is always fascinated by the new technology and tech world, looking forward to joining in and creating something to impact the world in a positive way.
Led the digital transformation of AfoodsmithP, streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving growth through innovative technology solutions and strategic foresight.
Sidheshwar School
Excelled in high school with a focus on art, drama, Olympiads, and quizzes, developing creativity, public speaking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for learning.
Master's Union
Through a virtual internship, gained expertise in market research, design, and marketing, honing skills in data analysis, creativity, and strategic promotion for business growth.